martes, 22 de junio de 2021


 I believe that the study program of my career is very complete, has a little of everything, from very general courses to more specific ones, but the truth is that I would have liked to have a course of psychoanalysis or ethics, especially the last one, is fundamental and I don't understand how it can't be in the program of study of the career.  

The workload is normal, but sometimes I feel like it is going to kill me!!
I don’t know if it is becomes more intense or if I’m not able…

Well, at least the duration of the career is not very long.

I think the teaching methods are fine, although there are some subjects that I find intolerable. I hate the way they teach, I hate the classes and the exams, fortunately it is only one subject where this happens.

I don't like the infrastructure of the faculty very much, but, I don't know the whole place too well… I was at facso in 2020, I saw very little and I didn't like it.

another thing about the classes, I think the technology is not being used very well, there are many things that could be better, but zoom classes are already difficult to do for some teachers, to request more from them would be complex.

we have to adapt to what we have, these are difficult times.

martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies


In other old post I have said that I like the clinical area in psychology, so… if I take postgraduate course in the future, it will be related to that.

I am interested in many subjects at the moment, but to realize my dream I should take a course that is general in the clinical area, such as a master's. At the Pontifical Catholic University there is a course like this, its duration is four semesters and has a little bit of everything, diagnostic, investigation methodology, fundamentals of psychotherapy, psychopathological tests and many many elective courses… there is one on eating disorders and that is a subject I would like to study in detail.

Our university also has postgraduate courses that I like, but they are more specific —as master's in adult or child and adolescent clinical psychology— and I don't know what I want… I just know that I definitely want to specialize in Chile if I can do it.

The truth is that I don't think they will accept me in another country, I'm too silly for that…

Another thing, I would like the course to be face to face or blended system, I need to learn the best way to become a good professional and well, I don't want to go back to online classes, these two years are enough!