martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Post 3: Mental health problems related to a lockdown


The pandemic, quarantine and confinement at home, are hard things. I think I have a been affected a lot, I feel suffocated for not going out of my house, but I don't want to go out, I’m afraid all the time, on the street, on the bus, in the supermarket, in any place where there are people. Also the lockdown has reminded me of some things, extremely painful things, many traumas, a lot for one person, I talk about it with my psychologist, it is difficult, but necessary, help me to cope with this situation. I also try to do things to make me feel better, read, to exercise, to eat healthy, to write… writing poetry has saved me.

I think the pandemic has affected us a lot, mentally, economically, societally. We are very egoistic and it has been noted, it is necessary not to think only about ourselves, what I do can affect others, it is important to consider this.

when all this is over, I want to see my friends like before, have a party and enjoy the momento, without worry, without fear.

                                                                   (Me and my friends)

5 comentarios:

  1. I hope you can cope with this situation and see your friends again :c
    A hug and a lot of strength for you <3

  2. I feel the same Paula, i hope we can see son and you can see your friends again too, I hug and love for you! <3

  3. If you feel bad and you need talk contact me uwu
    Be strong!! <3

  4. I have also felt this way in this pandemic, I hope everything improves soon.

  5. Good work. The word societally doesn't exist, you need to use social.
