martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Post 5: My Future Job

In previous posts I have written about what I am studying and what my career is like, so, today I will write about my future job… but I think that will be a long time away.

Since I was a teenager, I have wanted to work as a clinical psychologist, is my big dream!
I am currently studying psychology and I like the clinical area more and more. when I think about my future job, I think it will be an indoor job, I think I will have a small room to attend to my patients, but that doesn't matter.
The truth is that I want to work in a public hospital and unfortunately, they don't always have the best things for mental health  :c

 I hope my salary is not the minimum wage, I don't expect to be paid a fortune, but I would like it to be decent, I would like to save money, so that I can travel, but I don't think it will do much.

Before starting my working life, I would like to specialize in the area I like, take a postgraduate course, a diplomate… but I don't know if I can do it.

The only thing I want in life is to be a good psychologist, my salary, the place where I work, all of that would take second place.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

What’s like to study psychology?


Well, it is difficult to answer this question for me, first I have to clarify some things, like, what is psychology? and, what does psychology study?

The discipline of psychology has many interpretations, there definitions change depending on the branch, is multiparadigmatic, but from a general view can be defined as the study of the mind, behavior, feelings and cognitions. In this sense, the person would be the object of study.

I decided to study this career because I want to help the people. In my life, I have suffered a lot and the help they have given me, has not been good... I want people too feel protected in therapy, not scared. I want to be a good psychologist, I want to be a person I didn’t have.

Studying this career online is a little boring for me, I want to see people, I want to hear them, I need that to connect fine with the study, is complicated, sometimes sad, but I try to remember why I do it.

One thing that makes me very tired is reading, there are MANY texts, my eyes hurt from reading so much, I end up with a headache. Is painful but necessary.